- Review Present Perfect
- Review used to
- review comparative/ superlative
Thursday, December 20th
1. watch 1 of the 3 videos and complete the sheet
2. read the trace écrite ( about Micheeelle Obama) and learn the new vocabulary
Thursday, December 6th
1. quiz 1 opinion ( sheet C) + quiz 2 food container( sheet A)
2. review the vocabulary of the new sequence
Correction sheet A
1. review how to express your opinion, sheet C ( those who don't have the sheet, I will provide it on Monday, sorry:)
2. complete sheet A! ( quiz on Thursday , after correction)
3. complete sheet B ! ( look for unknown words in a dictionary)
sheet c
sheet A
sheet B: instruction:
a) look at the sentences and look for the unknown words( snack?meal?) .
b) Then, give your answer! example: 1.
For a midnight snack, hummm, I'd like hot chocolate and peanut butter, yummy!
For Thursday, November 22th
1. write a thorough visual analysis of the Nike commercial seen in class
2. watch the video about must/have to
3. start preparing your intro for the Thursday exam
For Monday, November 19th
1. learn the different ways to ask or give advice
2. watch 1 video about the pronunciation of "should"
3. watch one video about how to give advice and be prepared to give advice in class
For Thursday, November 14th
1. watch the video about Ali
2. Complete the web -research about Ali
For Thursday, November 8th
1. Learn the vocabulary ( quiz)
2. Friday will be the last day to hand the dubbing video
For Friday, November 9th
1. click on this page
2. listen to the video and try to understand eve-ry-thing!
write everything down so that you can practice speaking fast and with the right intonation
3. download one of these apps on your phone or computer
( To download the video https://www.telechargerunevideo.com/fr/convertisseur-youtube )
- DUB and FUN
How does it work:
- Capture your own video or select it from your Gallery
- Record your own voice while the video will be playing
- Watch dubbed video merged with your voice
- Accept it or dub once again
- Save it on your device
how to make a voice over with Imovie:
- WAVEPAD audio
4. Dub the entire video and send it to me by November 8th. Save it until I give you your grade.
For Monday, October 15th
2. Complete the sheet
3.review the ed pronunciation ( on the blog)
4.sum up ibtihaj article
For Monday, October 8th
1. Have a good weekend
2. quiz superlative/comparative
3. read the article ( look for the unknown words, the main subject, the different arguments) and find:
a) the different stereotypes targeting the Asian American community and b) Asian American relationship to sport.
4. watch the video
5. learn the voc
6. Smile
1. review superlative/comparative
2. read the article ( look for the unknown words, the main subject, the different arguments) and find:
a) the different stereotypes targeting the Asian American community and b) Asian American relationship to sport.
3. watch the video
4. learn the voc
2. read the article ( look for the unknown words, the main subject, the different arguments) and find:
a) the different stereotypes targeting the Asian American community and b) Asian American relationship to sport.
3. watch the video
4. learn the voc
1. learn the vocabulary
Underdog /ˈʌndədɒɡ/
Rags to riches used to describe a person's rise from a state of extreme poverty to one of great wealth
Fame feɪm célébrité
Undrafted undrɑːftid/ not selected for a team through a professional league's draft.
Frenzy ˈfrɛnzi/ frénésie
Visibility / vɪzɪˈbɪlɪti/ visibilité
Triumph ˈtrʌɪʌmf/ triomphe
Pressure /ˈprɛʃə/ pression
To score skɔː/ marquer un but
To fit the mold
Tears / tɪə/ larmes
To start from scratch
To start from square one again
Straight A-student
The Yellow danger
Sinophobia Anti-Chinese sentiment or Sinophobia (from Late Latin Sinae "China" and Greek φόβος, phobos, "fear") is a sentiment against China, its people, overseas Chinese, or Chinese culture
Stereotype ˈstɛrɪə(ʊ)tʌɪp or ˈstɪərɪə(ʊ)tʌɪp/
Misconception mɪskənˈsɛpʃ(ə)n/ idée fausse
derogatory dɪˈrɒɡət(ə)ri/ dénigrant
To take back own’s identity
Nerdy ˈnəːdi
Top-of-the –class student premier de la classe
2. learn the comparative and superlative forms sheet3. watch the video and answer the questions
1. what is the video about? (give the context)
2. What the issue being discussed?
3. Sum up the arguments of the French ambassador
4. Sum up the arguments of TV anchor Trevor Noah
5. What do you think?
For Thursday, September 27th
A) Read the article from The Guardian ( click here)
and :
and :
1 find the thesis( the main subject)
2. find and explain the arguments backing the thesis
3. find and explain the conclusion of the author.
B) Watch the video and
1. what is the video about? (give the context)
2. What the issue being discussed?
3. Sum up the arguments of the French ambassador
4. Sum up the arguments of TV anchor Trevor Noah
5. What do you think?
1. what is the video about? (give the context)
2. What the issue being discussed?
3. Sum up the arguments of the French ambassador
4. Sum up the arguments of TV anchor Trevor Noah
5. What do you think?
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