How to talk about score:
it's a draw = equal numbers of goals
it was a nil-nil = 0-0
What does it represent for France to have won the World Cup?
a successful image
to feel proud
we're the best
a good image worldwide
embody the hope of a country
unity / ˈjuːnɪti/
to come together
to gather
to unite /juːˈnaɪt/
to rally
everyone dressed in team colours
national hymn/slogan /ˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ /hɪm/
the tri-colour flag
to parade / pəˈreɪd/
Citizens from different social class, race and gender and ideas rally together around own shared passion : Soccer or one common interest: the victory of France.
National pride
to feel proud
the world cup is about defending your nation
showing off your country
it helps create a French identity /aɪˈdɛntɪti/
it helps create a sense of community and common identity
1. both finale /fɪˈnɑːli,fɪˈnɑːleɪ/ and Final / ˈfaɪn(ə)l/ are acceptable both for US and UK speakers and in this context mean the same.
2. Pronunciation of "TH"
Grammatical points discussed in class/ Points grammaticaux abordés en classe
Think of it this way: if you could rephrase the name of the country with "which," you use an article. "The Kingdom." "Which Kingdom?" "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
In English, we use
QUIZ click here https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/the-with-country-names-lakes-rivers/ ( at the end of the page/ il ya un quiz pour savoir si vous avez compris à la fin du lien)
Rappel grammaire: un déterminant ( dont les articles font parties) détermine, apporte des "termes" des limites, une forme. delimiter, elargir, spécifier une notion nominale ( le nom qui suit). chaque déterminant est la marque d'un travail de délimitation et d'identification particulier.
par exemple , la notion "dog"( chien) renvoi à toute idée de chien.
mais avec l'article "the" comme dans "where is the dog?" c'est d'un chien en particulier dont je parle, celui de la maison celui connu de celui à qui je pose la question.
The est un article défini car le nom qui le suit en général est connu , identifié à la fois par celui qui parle et par le co-enonciateur.
a cup of tea is always a delight ( une tasse de thé est toujours un pure moment de joie) = n'importe quel type de tasse de thé.
the cup of tea is on the table= une tasse de thé en particulier, celle-ci là qui est sur la table.
donc dans THE nous retrouvons la marque TH- du démonstratif THAT et l'idée de monstration ( montrer). avec le TH c'est comme-ci je peux montrer d'un geste la tasse de thé.
THE retient également du TH- le caractère mémoriel, c'est donc un outil anaphorique.
1. anaphore textuelle. The permet de reprendre un élément déjà présenté auparavant dans un discours ou texte.
par exemple:
Seance 1 bis
Correction Article The Guardian
to come together
to gather
to unite /juːˈnaɪt/
to rally
everyone dressed in team colours
national hymn/slogan /ˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ /hɪm/
the tri-colour flag
to parade / pəˈreɪd/
Citizens from different social class, race and gender and ideas rally together around own shared passion : Soccer or one common interest: the victory of France.
National pride
the world cup is about defending your nation
showing off your country
it helps create a French identity /aɪˈdɛntɪti/
it helps create a sense of community and common identity
(intro:) France's win 4-2 over Croatia this summer was an occasion for euphoric celebration all across the nation.
Indeed, it helped restore national pride in the country. ( observez comment ici j'introduis déjà l'idée d'un pb en France: si cela a restauré c'est qu'il y avait une perdition ou une non-existence...)
(argument to back up what I've just said:)
As the nation was watching the game, families and friends came together to join the frenzy. Citizens of different social categories rallied around the event dressed in French colours, waving the national flag and shouting French slogans. (sum up of all these arguments/ex and introduction of their impacts:) All of this contributed to a sense of belonging, nationalism and pride in the country.
( Conclusion:) In that respect, it served as a defense against the globalized world.
occasion əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n
euphoric juːˈfɒrɪk/
celebration sɛlɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/
across əˈkrɒs
social ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l/
event ɪˈvɛnt/
shouting ʃaʊt/
defense dɪˈfɛns
globalized ˈɡləʊbəlaɪz/
1. both finale /fɪˈnɑːli,fɪˈnɑːleɪ/ and Final / ˈfaɪn(ə)l/ are acceptable both for US and UK speakers and in this context mean the same.
2. Pronunciation of "TH"
3. THUH or THEE??
A) In general, you don"t use a definite article in front of a country.
For instance:
" France has won the game "= No article before France.
"Spain is a very sunny country". No article before Spain.
"England is known for its/her bad food". No article before England.
wrong: Our flight to the China was canceled.
correct: Our flight to China was canceled.
wrong: Our flight to the China was canceled.
correct: Our flight to China was canceled.
BUT (mais)
b) However, the is used before countries whose names are plural in form
wrong: Have you ever been to Netherlands ?
correct: Have you ever been to the Netherlands ?
C) The is also used with countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic:
The United States are having a bad time with a clown for president. ALWAYS put an article before the United States of America.
The United Kingdom are so cool!
on est d'accord, le mot state ( état) et kingdom ( royaume) qui compose le nom de ces pays existe en tant que mot ( ex: the state of New York, the kingdom of fashion is Macy's....) donc puisque l'on précise quel est cet état en particulier ou ce royaume on l'identifie parmi d'autres royaumes ( en gros: Les états unis d'Amérique ne sont pas le même état que l'état de New York- et le royaume unis de Britain n'est pas le même que le royaume de la mode) Du coup comme on l'identifie précisément par rapport à une masse d'états et à plusieurs royaumes il nous faut l'article définis ( je rappellerai ici que défini de définir veut en autre dire apporter une limite, un cadre, une fin, une précision, caractériser. cf http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/d%C3%A9finir)
Think of it this way: if you could rephrase the name of the country with "which," you use an article. "The Kingdom." "Which Kingdom?" "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
In English, we use
if a country has a political title in its name, or if it refers a group of islands. There are also countries, such as the Netherlands, which people commonly attach the definite article to even though it does not follow the two rules above.- the Bahamas
- the Cayman Islands
- the Central African Republic
- the Channel Islands
- the Comoros
- the Czech Republic
- the Dominican Republic
- the Falkland Islands
- the Gambia
- the Isle of Man
- the Ivory Coast
- the Leeward Islands
- the Maldives (the Maldive Islands)
- the Marshall Islands
- the Netherlands
- the Netherlands Antilles
- the Philippines
- the Solomon Islands
- the Turks and Caicos Islands
- the United Arab Emirates
- the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- the United States (of America)
- the Virgin Islands
QUIZ click here https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/the-with-country-names-lakes-rivers/ ( at the end of the page/ il ya un quiz pour savoir si vous avez compris à la fin du lien)
- THE + N- Indefinite Article ( lire: article /ou determinant -The- plus nom)
Rappel grammaire: un déterminant ( dont les articles font parties) détermine, apporte des "termes" des limites, une forme. delimiter, elargir, spécifier une notion nominale ( le nom qui suit). chaque déterminant est la marque d'un travail de délimitation et d'identification particulier.
par exemple , la notion "dog"( chien) renvoi à toute idée de chien.
mais avec l'article "the" comme dans "where is the dog?" c'est d'un chien en particulier dont je parle, celui de la maison celui connu de celui à qui je pose la question.
The est un article défini car le nom qui le suit en général est connu , identifié à la fois par celui qui parle et par le co-enonciateur.
a cup of tea is always a delight ( une tasse de thé est toujours un pure moment de joie) = n'importe quel type de tasse de thé.
the cup of tea is on the table= une tasse de thé en particulier, celle-ci là qui est sur la table.
donc dans THE nous retrouvons la marque TH- du démonstratif THAT et l'idée de monstration ( montrer). avec le TH c'est comme-ci je peux montrer d'un geste la tasse de thé.
THE retient également du TH- le caractère mémoriel, c'est donc un outil anaphorique.
1. anaphore textuelle. The permet de reprendre un élément déjà présenté auparavant dans un discours ou texte.
par exemple:
A new CNN video has been released about President Trump. The video completely discredits him.
ici The reprend " a new CNN video" c'est la même vidéo.
2. anaphore situationnelle
l'élément dont je parle a déjà été repéré( connu de tous, souvent une evidence culturelle)
par exemple : Where is the church? ( on comprend l'église de l'endroit où je me trouve quand je pose la question)
Could you pass me the bottle? ( celle qui est là devant tes yeux, c'ets facilement identifiable, l'interlocuteur c'est de laquelle je parle)
Le THE dit générique
the tiger is becoming extinct
the dog is man's best friend
ici on sous-entend le représentant typique de "N":
le représentant typique du tigre
le représentant typique du chien
N'oubliez pas le "S" à la 3eme personne singulier au temps présent!
Ainsi, la non-présence du S à la 3eme personne du singulier permet d'identifier si je parle au présent ou au passé dans la phrase
France beat Croatia.
To Beat Beat Beaten ( on voit de plus en plus beat) battre
When to use this? that?
near/far physically ( objective)
near/far emotionally (subjective)
near/far in Time
Le THE dit générique
the tiger is becoming extinct
the dog is man's best friend
ici on sous-entend le représentant typique de "N":
le représentant typique du tigre
le représentant typique du chien
- 3RD person singular + VERB- S
N'oubliez pas le "S" à la 3eme personne singulier au temps présent!
Ainsi, la non-présence du S à la 3eme personne du singulier permet d'identifier si je parle au présent ou au passé dans la phrase
France beat Croatia.
To Beat Beat Beaten ( on voit de plus en plus beat) battre
- this (these) and that (those)
When to use this? that?
near/far physically ( objective)
near/far emotionally (subjective)
near/far in Time
Seance 1 bis
Correction Article The Guardian
After this World Cup victory, can France finally throw off racism?
France's World Cup victory this summer was an occasion of national celebration during which the country rallied together. Yet, this feeling of unity seemed to be only all smoke and mirrors as the country is deeply divided and has been facing major issues of racism, struggling to deal with its diversity and minorities.
Indeed, even though the diversity of the national team has offered a positive representation of France as a country where people of every colour and religion are successfully integrated, the reality is much harsher: the FN- French far-right wing political party- was second to win the presidential election as more and more people perceive Islam and Muslims as a threat to French culture and security. People of colour, of religious minorities and out-of-towners, rampantly face discrimination of all sorts and are not recognized as fully French citizen. Indeed, football is still one of the few avenues for material and professional success for France’s working-class men from the banlieues.
Moreover, while the French motto : "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was being rewritten during the victory by Liberty, Equality, Mbappé, the very value of "Fraternity", at the core of the French national identity was being questioned when Cédric Herrou, A French olive farmer, was put in jail for offering his help to young migrants in danger who were trying to illegally cross the Italian-French border.
As Myriam François, a reporter, has discussed in one article from the Guardian entitled: " After this world Cup victory, can France finally throw off racism? " France has still a long way before recognizing as French- and accepting as fully human- these people of colour who do not undertake extraordinary acts as soccer players do.
smoke and mirrors: the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information.
synonym: a smokescreen= écran de fumée.
rampantly: de façon exponentielle, généralisée
deeply divided: profondément divisé
to face: faire face à ( des pb)
much harsher: beaucoup plus dur
smoke and mirrors: the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information.
synonym: a smokescreen= écran de fumée.
rampantly: de façon exponentielle, généralisée
deeply divided: profondément divisé
to face: faire face à ( des pb)
much harsher: beaucoup plus dur
out-of-towners: banlieusards
Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador - Between The Scenes | The Daily
1. what is the video about? (give the context)
2. What the issue being discussed?
3. Sum up the arguments of the French ambassador
4. Sum up the arguments of TV anchor Trevor Noah
5. What do you think?
2. What the issue being discussed?
3. Sum up the arguments of the French ambassador
4. Sum up the arguments of TV anchor Trevor Noah
5. What do you think?
Seance 2 Linsanity
Stereotypes and Sport: How can sport be a space of racial integration in the United States' s Tapestry ?
- 1. How did Jeremy Lin’s performance come to represent an act of membership into the American society ?
Video watched in class
( (the description of this video will be here soon
Stereotypes and Sport: How can sport be a space of racial integration in the United States' s Tapestry ?
- 1. How did Jeremy Lin’s performance come to represent an act of membership into the American society ?
Video watched in class
( (the description of this video will be here soon
- More about stereotypes facing Asian-Americans
How did Jeremy Lin’s performance come to represent an act of membership into the American society ?
TRACE ECRITE correction:
Derogative images and negative stereotypes targeting Asian-Americans have been a staple of the American culture since the 19th century. Indeed, from cartooning representations of the Yellow peril to the Hollywood display of hypersexualized and submissive Asian women until the contemporary cliché of the minority model, the Asian-American community has been the rampant victims of racist jokes and discrimination.
In one area notably, Asian-Americans have been excluded. Indeed, looking at raw data Asian American are vastly underrepresented from the Big 4 sport. And this for a couple of reasons. The documents studied in class offer us to main explanation for the invisibility in the sport area: as we learned from the video, Asian Americans are often perceived as weak, short and nerdy, with a poor sight. In other words, they don't have the sportive body type and are thought to be not as athletic as others. On the other hand, beyond these rampant stereotypes, the article provides us with a sociological explanation: second-generation Asian Americans are focused on school as an integration tool and the Asiatic culture privileged hard academic work over sport, seen as a recreation.
However, the spectacular rise of one man, Jeremy Lin-the first Asian American to achieve basketball stardom and be part of the NBA, had debunked those stereotypes proving that an Asian American can play alongside and beat the best of the NBA. Moreover, he sparked a real phenomenon called Linsanity, a story embraced by the whole American public with fans of all races cheering him on. He has revolutionized the way Americans look like Asian American men.
All in all, the Jeremy Lin effect won't end racism, but it does mean that Asian Americans will never be seen the same again.
However, the spectacular rise of one man, Jeremy Lin-the first Asian American to achieve basketball stardom and be part of the NBA, had debunked those stereotypes proving that an Asian American can play alongside and beat the best of the NBA. Moreover, he sparked a real phenomenon called Linsanity, a story embraced by the whole American public with fans of all races cheering him on. He has revolutionized the way Americans look like Asian American men.
All in all, the Jeremy Lin effect won't end racism, but it does mean that Asian Americans will never be seen the same again.
The four leagues universally included in the definition are Major League Baseball(MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League(NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL)
The statistics are telling:
· In baseball, of a total 34,980 student-athletes, 318 of them were Asian. About 0.9% of student-athletes.
· In football, of a total 73,057 student-athletes, 386 of them were Asian. About 0.53% of student-athletes.
· In basketball, of a total 18,712 student-athletes, 107 of them were Asian. About 0.57% of student-athletes.
· In hockey, of a total 4,197 student-athletes, 28 of them were Asian. About 0.67% of student-athletes.
years ago I started watching Fresh off the boat bəʊt the American sitcom of an Asian ˈeɪʒ(ə)n American family, of /ov/Taiwanese origins, living in Florida,
struggling with assimilation əsɪmɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
aired on ABC on primetime. I remember as I first watched it that it came at a
real surprise to see Asian Americans actors playing Asian Americans and not in
a kung fu style, and it hit me that Asian Americans who represents rɛprɪˈzɛnt an im’portant part of the American tapestry /ˈtapɪstri/ still don’t have a higher visi’bility
in American popular ˈpɒpjʊlə culture. The document under
scrutiny today deals with just that. The audio deals with the history of Jeremy
Lin, the Asian American basketball icon ˈʌɪkɒn, playing for the New York
with a 99-92 Knicks win against the New Jersey Nets when The Knicks had
lost 11 of their previous 13 games. Coming out of nowhere before this night on February 2012, his performance
started a frenzy named Linsinity. The audio touches upon the importance of his
victory ˈvɪkt(ə)ri for the Asian American community and
what remains of the Linsinity movement 20 months later.
To better understand what this victory in
the sportive ˈspɔːtɪv sphere sfɪə possibly means for the Asian American
community we will wonder how did Jeremy Lin’s performance come to repre’sent an
act of membership into the American society ?
First we shall analyze an(ə)lʌɪz/ how Asian
Americans represent and represented the « other » through history
before to move on to Lin’s breaking common preconceived ideas about the asian
American body and finally we will show how sport is an unifying ˈjuːnɪfʌɪ/ space .
The Yellow other
Throughout their presence ˈprɛz(ə)ns
on the American soil, Asian Americans have fallen victims of ani’mosity, exclusion,
hatred and racism ˈreɪsɪz(ə)m/ whose today’s video
tackles on. Indeed, Asian Americans represented an “Other” whose time and years of stereotyping
constructed as inherently different from the mainstream, that is to say the
White American man. As you certainly observed, the Hyphenated hʌɪf(ə)neɪt/ identity Asian Americans
set apart this community from mainstream Americans, but also, and more
importantly, Asian encapsulates ɛnˈkapsjʊleɪt/,
and reduces rɪˈdjuːs in one term diverse dʌɪˈvəːs ethnicities Chinese, Korean,
Japanese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese... diverse culture, religion and history within
or outside the US.
population in the American territory goes as far back as the 16th
century, yet it is around the first major vague of Asian immigration that
resentment against this part of the population was launched. Asian Americans
repeatedly experienced exclusions because of numerous measures preventing them
to become full member or citizen of the United States or to even come to the
country. It is this set of measures that make scholars, including Paul Schor
here in our university, a specialist of American immigration, to say that
policies of immigration targeting the Asian group were the stricter and they
have redefined immigration in the United States and posed major contradictions
to the American ideal of “a Nation of Immigrants”.
brief summary of key exclusionary legislation will give legitimacy to this
observation and help us to better understand what is at stake in this audio. For instance in 1882, The
Chinese Exclusion Act put a stop to immigration coming from China. In 1924, the
Immigration Act introduces quotas based on race and ethnicity. Asian countries
were allowed a quotas of 0. Yet, the 1952 Walter-McCarran Act nullifies all
federal laws anti-Asian exclusion laws, and the Immigration and Nationality act
Amendment of 1965 got rid of racial discrimination in quotas kwəʊtə.
Added to this, Asian Americans were not considered Whites, and therefore were entitled
to the same social restriction and exclusion that affected Blacks:
miscegenation laws for instance, so no intermarriage, no right to own a shop,
and during WWII Japanese were interned in camps after Pearl Arbor in 1941.
in 2010 Asian immigration
surpassed Latin American immigration, as they are more highly educated
and more likely to be employed. Asian Americans represent the model minority myth,
suggesting that they are more academically, economically, and
socially successful than any other racial minority groups. This does not mean that racism and stereotypes
have ended, it is the opposite. Amongst
the common cliché targeting the Asian American community we found the Asian
American universal academic success myth : they are nerdy, top-of-the-class students, 4.O GPAs, as this early Time magazine cover show
intitled Whiz Kids, highly derogative, 1987, or that they are grocery store
owner, or dry-cleaners owner, who have not assimilated and stay with their own
race. They are obedient, sly, deceptive, short and often wear eye-glass. Jenny
in the audio talks about bullying or being put down for being Asian. And
Jeremy says talking for
the Asian community that we are constantly told there are certain thngs we
can’t do. Therefore their achievement is circumscribed to limited spaces.
if we see a lot of Asian Americans highly skilled technical employee with
diplomas, rarely we see them as leader. They are rather invisible in the
American popular culture.
Lin represents a triumph against this invisibility. He is a figure in the
spotlight as said one of his fan. Winning with the Knicks in 2012 his
performance debunked numerous stereotypes: first he is tall, so tall, he can play basketball and
win. He is not geeky nor weak, nor effeminate as the preconceived idea attached
to the Asian body because he played in a basketball team and won.
also breaks the common idea that Asian don’t integrate: he is part of a national team that requires to
communicate and play with other player, a great sense of team spirit. And So as one of the interviewee
said he proved that Asian Americans can be athletic.
Jeremy Lin also shared the remaining stain of racism, that he experienced as
people look at him through a pervasive derogatory filter , a filter that made
them jusge him deceptive,
sly: he said they thoughhe is deceptively quick, deceptively athletic, showing
not only that they don’t
want to acknowledge his sporting prowess but also that Asian Americans can’t be trusted, the
fear of the other.
performances, this short lived moment, sparked off the Linsanity movement, so
much that a model, recognition was needed for the Asian American community.
This a feel good story, or
as a person in the audio said: it is a classic underdog story, showing that as an Asian man, Jeremy was
expected to lose not to win in Madison Square. He is not so much celebrated for his
sportive performance but rather for the new model minority he created: as one interviewee said: my life changes, it won’t
be the same, or he represent so many of us meaning Asian Americans, or he is a
reflection of ourselves, and again” he proved we can all proved them wrong”. So
even if two seasons after, Jeremy lin may be overrated, Linsanity still impact
a loyal Asian American fan base.
This story has shown how sport
can be a factor of integration , of communion, of unity, may be national unity. And I will argue that Linsanity could not
have happened in another American entertainment space than sport. Indeed, it is
through sport that Lin had became
a National Icon and entered in the American collective imaginary.
audio emphasizes the importance of sport in the American culture, this
essential aspect of the American culture. Sport is an industry that goes beyond
the simple entertainment but bring together the media, politics, economy, and
the people. Sport coincide with community value, and disseminate core American
values and shape American citizen. Just think for one moment about the place
that takes a game in the American daily life: every weekend family, friends
gather to watch a game together, University students support their team by
wearing sweatshirt hat jacket in the team color and logo, symbolically becoming
part of the team. Every important celebration includes a game, like thanksgiving. Sport is a kind of opium of
the masses. Sport is a vehicle of nation-building and
unity, and as such Sport stars are established as role models for young people
in the society. It also plays an important role in social stratification and mobility.
For instance, originally boxing was a social ladder for Irish.
so it is through sport, through one of the big three sports in the US: football
baseball basketball, that Jeremy Lin, an
Asian American, helped the Asian American community to enter the realm of the
American culture, given them visibility, and to claim their membership within
the nation.
we have to keep in mind that sport is also the realm of racial profiling and constant stereotyping,
and if it means integration, fame of minorities, beautiful stories of the
American dream on the surface, it has changed but a few lives of African Americans for
instance as the African American history and the persistence of the color line
taught us. Basketball furthermore, is usually the arena of another racially
codified body: The black body, cast as animalistic and athletic. Therefore
Jeremy Lin entered a public arena, but one dominated by black manhood, so in a
sense he is still cast as a racial minority.
click here and listen to the audio
click here and listen to the audio
ARTICLE (click on it) U.S. Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad is a role model
Link to the full article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/09/07/nike-releases-controversial-colin-kaepernick-advert/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hIc_epqfI0
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